A licensed/registered therapist.
Written (you and your therapist write to each other). Phone, video, and chat may also be available. Click here to read why it is effective.
Anywhere. Your home, office, on the road.
Based on your availability, your schedule.
Your changing needs and whenever you feel comfortable.
As you need (no predefined length). You can take 20 minutes or three days to write your email and make sure you express what you really want to say. You don't need to get nervous and forget your thoughts as you might in a typical office setting.
Keep getting help from your therapist as usual as long as you have access to the internet. This also means your therapist can respond to you when they are out of town as well.
Yes. You can always go back and read your therapist's responses, advice, and guidance. No need to rely on your memory.
Completely private and anonymous. Only the therapist and you will know you are in counseling.
Protected by federal and state laws.
(We use a secure email system to assure your
communication with us is not compromised.)
Send an urgent message to your therapist to get a quick response (1 - 48 hours).
$45 for a single one time response to unlimited plans starting at $300 per month.
Click here to learn more about our fees.
You can submit the invoice to your health insurance however, this form of therapy is generally not covered yet for mental health.